Rachel Skinner

Collaboration with Joanne Fleming Design

We were really excited with our recent collaboration with Joanne Fleming www.joanneflemingdesign.com  Joanne creates stunningly beautiful dresses taking inspiration from 1900’s to the 1950’s.
Her exclusive designs are worn by stylish women wanting something different, elegant and feminine. Her designs can be seen gracing the pages of fashion magazines and catwalks worldwide.
The dresses are made from exquisite laces from Italy and France, hand dyed and intricately crafted into contemporary designs.
Jo asked us to design a capsule collection of bridal hats and headdresses for a garden photo shoot she was planning with her amazing designs.
We went over to Jo’s studio in Brighton and choose some beautiful laces to work with along with some old photographs to use as inspiration. We designed a range of six hats for the shoot. Two of the hats were large pieces and took about a week each to make including creating the toiles and hours of hand sewing delicate pieces of lace.
Jo was delighted with all of the hats and we had fun on the shoot.


Frederick Fox

Sarah and I were very saddened to hear of the death of Frederick Fox. We met whilst serving apprenticeships for him in his New Bond Street workroom and feel we couldn’t have had a better training. The apprenticeship lasted for three years and we spent our first weeks just picking up pins and tidying threads and observing the experienced milliners. It felt like forever before we were allowed to work on a hat! Sarah very clearly remembers how exciting it was to actually make a fabric button that was going to be sewn on a hat as a trimming. Even more exciting that it was going to be on a hat for the Queen.
Frederick Fox had had a Royal Appointment for many years. We were privileged to have had the opportunity of making hats for The Queen, Princess Diana, Duchess of York and other members of The Royal Family whilst working there.
We recently came across this lovely obituary by Stephen Jones.
